Whew! That month off was what I needed!

Recently I have been feeling emotionally overwhelmed by all of the world being in my hand all of the time.  I decided I needed a break from my phone, from social media, from blogging, from distractions.  I needed to put down the thing that was drawing more attention than my family.

I wrote this to a friend...
I am trying very hard to leave FB and Twitter to a real computer and not often.  I can't handle the fake and false representations of life anymore.  I let passing comments and perceived reality spin in my mind.  It causes too much stress and it is all just the best picture people can paint for a public view.  Too much time has been spent staring at a little screen in my hand.  My family deserves my attention.

It was wonderful!  I have now given myself new limits, new perspective, and lots of time.  Social media and blogging are for my real computer at my desk.  You have no idea how freeing this has been!

I found it very ironic, that on one of my first days "back" on Facebook, that this video was circulating...

YES!!!  LOOK UP AT LIFE!!!  It is so worth it!

I will be investing more time on myself, my family and my home.  My two, work from home, jobs will get the attention they deserve.  I will be blogging more and sharing my posts.  I hope you stay with me on this beautiful journey!

My Garden! It is changing too!

This is truly a year of new things!

We are reinventing our garden this year!

I wish I had pictures, that I could find, of my Daddy's gardens.  They were big!  And very bountiful!  It was almost as if the seeds knew that his skilled hand was placing them in the ground.  I don't remember a "failed" crop.  He even broke dry, crusty ground in Dumas, Texas and beautiful tomatoes bounded forth.  From him I learned plant and row spacing, seed depth, hills and mounds, and what perfectly tilled soil felt like under your feet.

I simply don't have the space that Daddy did to sprawl a garden across my city lot.  This year we are rethinking everything.  We are going to attempt square foot gardening.  I have purchased a few books.  I have convinced my Hubby to build them.  I am working on my plant selection and arrangement.  I am deciding what to germinate indoors.  I know how I am going to naturally fight pests. I am hoping for a wonderful idea that will keep the dogs out.

So what is stopping me?  I still live in Illinois!  Daddy's rule was not to plant anything in the ground until Mother's Day (May 11, 2014).  I may cheat that a bit and go with May 1st.

Trust me...I will keep you posted!

I am not tired! Wow! I am not tired!

The question was posed:  What are the supplements that you take/suggest for daily use (like LLV or DDR), and have you noticed a difference in your health after using them? 

My response:   I have had extreme exhaustion for a years. Being a mom of three, I always wrote it off to, well, being a mom of three. I was caffeine dependent to function. I decided to try llv and ddr. Almost two months in, I forget to drink more than one cup of coffee. I no longer need to take daily snoozes. Sometimes I forget to take it my lunch dose out and about with me, and I feel it! If I take it past 3 pm, I cannot sleep. All of this with a half dose!

After posting that answer, I began to think.  I have been exhausted since 2007!  At times, removed from my family and friends, exhausted.  Where the suggestion of one more thing would push me over the edge because I could not do it!  That kind of exhaustion is debilitating.  It consumes you!  

The realization that that is gone from your life is powerful!   When you can casually type it as fact and know that today is different!  Just WOW!  The change that was made was so simple as taking care of my body.  The addition of Life Long Vitality and DDR Prime supplements. A few months ago, I would have been the first to call "bullshit".  Not anymore!  That's why I post, share, and support doTERRA products.  www.mydoterra.com/tiffanyhigginson/

Ants vs Peppermint!

Ants!  We have had a constant battle with ants in my sink for 10+ years. Our Terminex guy has watched our children grow. He knows all of us by first name. I have his cell number. 

When I first read this, I saved it for gardening. 

Then the ants came back!  Hundreds of them!  Marching two by two!  Dan called our Terminex guy but it would be the next week. 

WAIT!  Peppermint!  I quickly mixed 5 drops of peppermint and water in a small spray bottle. Squirt squirt DIE!  And they did!  See more, squirt more!  By day four there were no ants!  

Yesterday my Terminex guy came to the house. He couldn't find their trail!  He even acknowledged that the oils definitely work!

There has to be a better way!

Why have I turned to DoTerra Essential Oils?  My son! 

Every year, since birth, my son has left the doctor with something like this... 

2013 was no different.  His daily Zyrtec was not helping.  He developed a horrible cough, an eye infection, and a sinus infection.  We went to our allergist, who we love, and came home with these.  Within a few days my sweet son was a rage monster.  He was slamming doors, punching walls, and screaming uncontrollably.  I used to be a mental heath case manager, I was so scared for my child.  The rage proved to be the result of one of these medications.  

2014 will be different!  It already is!  

This is this year's attack on seasonal allergies!  

I love the changes I am making in my family!

If this path is calling you, or you have questions.  Please let me know.  I am a DoTerra IPC.   I am happy to try and help.  I also have a team of people behind me, who are further down the path, that are open and helpful.  My web address is: http://mydoterra.com/tiffanyhigginson

Just a piece, but a big piece, of the puzzle. What DoTerra has made me rethink.

Flash back with me to last spring.

I took the first big step to returning to my "crunchy" roots.  I joined a CSA!  I didn't even know what a CSA was last winter.  Do you? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  Here is how it works.  In the spring, you buy a "share" of the crop at an organic farm.  Every week, during harvest season, you go to the farm and pick up your share of fresh produce.  You get a bit of everything they plant.  Most things we loved.  Some things, lemon cucumbers, we simply passed on after the first time.

 I could feel the change starting.  I knew we were moving our family in the right direction.  I was feeding my children really well.

I started seeing recipes on Pintrest for things I use in my home everyday.  Recipes to make everything I felt I was missing...Magic Shell!  Yes, I was missing Magic Shell!  And I found a recipe to make it!  I quickly evolved into a person that made her own laundry soap, cleaning spray, etc.  I love a good concoction!

Then, one of my children would get a cold, or allergies, or some random virus.  I would go to the medicine cabinet and see what I had to fix them.  decongestants, cough suppressants, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, Benadryl.  You name it and I was passing it out.  This didn't feel right to me.  Why was I moving away from processed food and heavy chemicals but not processed healthcare?  What was I missing?  How can I change this?

I began reading, thinking, and processing how I would change this. I was also drawn to the world of essential oils through Pintrest.  It intrigued me.  How would I make this my next step?  How would I convince my husband?  Guess what, I didn't have too!  A dear friend, that was lit on fire by DoTerra and posted her journey on Facebook.  He read it all without saying a word to me.  When I finally talked to him about the changes I wanted to make, he was already on board!

I don't do things quickly.  I process and ponder.  I finally ordered my DoTerra Family Physician kit in January of 2014.  I now reach for Breathe for a stuffy nose.  I reach for Balance if someone is stressed.  I go to Wild Orange if I just need a pick me up.  Aroma Touch, Deep Blue and Peppermint are my new ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

I don't know it all.  I am only scratching the surface.  I am learning.  But I really like where I am headed.  It feels right to me.

If this path is calling you, or you have questions.  Please let me know.  I am a DoTerra IPC.   I am happy to try and help.  I also have a team of people behind me, who are further down the path, that are open and helpful.  My web address is:  http://mydoterra.com/tiffanyhigginson

Starting over is really looking back to where I became me.

This poor old blog has been used for many things...scrapbooking...couponing info...self help...etc.  I have wiped it clean! 

Starting afresh is strange.  I have been thinking about all of the things that I have had passion about in my life.  Reading old thoughts, about the things I once placed importance on, that no longer seem relevant to the me I am now.  The old me was so focused on perception of me that me was not there. 

What am I focused on now?  How is that different than before?  Will this me stand the test of time? 

I have become "crunchy"!  Honestly, I always have been, I just ignored it.  I was raised by a Daddy and Grandpa that found pure joy in growing their food in their own dirt.  I never realized how perfect that really is.  I was raised by a Mom that canned our food and a Grandma that cooked from scratch.  Another Grandpa that raised honey bees.  Imagine waking up to "crunchy" and realizing you have been there all along.  You just had blinders on.  THAT'S ME!

I was also raised by parents that instilled a strong faith and trust in God.  To me "crunchy" goes hand in hand with realizing that God is the creator of all things, He has a perfect plan, and He has given us all we need.  From food to health care and all things in between, God set in place a way for us. 

I am not asking for you to believe everything I believe.  I am simply offering you a view into my world.  Come, let us be "crunchy" together.  LOL!