Just a piece, but a big piece, of the puzzle. What DoTerra has made me rethink.

Flash back with me to last spring.

I took the first big step to returning to my "crunchy" roots.  I joined a CSA!  I didn't even know what a CSA was last winter.  Do you? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  Here is how it works.  In the spring, you buy a "share" of the crop at an organic farm.  Every week, during harvest season, you go to the farm and pick up your share of fresh produce.  You get a bit of everything they plant.  Most things we loved.  Some things, lemon cucumbers, we simply passed on after the first time.

 I could feel the change starting.  I knew we were moving our family in the right direction.  I was feeding my children really well.

I started seeing recipes on Pintrest for things I use in my home everyday.  Recipes to make everything I felt I was missing...Magic Shell!  Yes, I was missing Magic Shell!  And I found a recipe to make it!  I quickly evolved into a person that made her own laundry soap, cleaning spray, etc.  I love a good concoction!

Then, one of my children would get a cold, or allergies, or some random virus.  I would go to the medicine cabinet and see what I had to fix them.  decongestants, cough suppressants, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, Benadryl.  You name it and I was passing it out.  This didn't feel right to me.  Why was I moving away from processed food and heavy chemicals but not processed healthcare?  What was I missing?  How can I change this?

I began reading, thinking, and processing how I would change this. I was also drawn to the world of essential oils through Pintrest.  It intrigued me.  How would I make this my next step?  How would I convince my husband?  Guess what, I didn't have too!  A dear friend, that was lit on fire by DoTerra and posted her journey on Facebook.  He read it all without saying a word to me.  When I finally talked to him about the changes I wanted to make, he was already on board!

I don't do things quickly.  I process and ponder.  I finally ordered my DoTerra Family Physician kit in January of 2014.  I now reach for Breathe for a stuffy nose.  I reach for Balance if someone is stressed.  I go to Wild Orange if I just need a pick me up.  Aroma Touch, Deep Blue and Peppermint are my new ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

I don't know it all.  I am only scratching the surface.  I am learning.  But I really like where I am headed.  It feels right to me.

If this path is calling you, or you have questions.  Please let me know.  I am a DoTerra IPC.   I am happy to try and help.  I also have a team of people behind me, who are further down the path, that are open and helpful.  My web address is:  http://mydoterra.com/tiffanyhigginson

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