Starting over is really looking back to where I became me.

This poor old blog has been used for many things...scrapbooking...couponing info...self help...etc.  I have wiped it clean! 

Starting afresh is strange.  I have been thinking about all of the things that I have had passion about in my life.  Reading old thoughts, about the things I once placed importance on, that no longer seem relevant to the me I am now.  The old me was so focused on perception of me that me was not there. 

What am I focused on now?  How is that different than before?  Will this me stand the test of time? 

I have become "crunchy"!  Honestly, I always have been, I just ignored it.  I was raised by a Daddy and Grandpa that found pure joy in growing their food in their own dirt.  I never realized how perfect that really is.  I was raised by a Mom that canned our food and a Grandma that cooked from scratch.  Another Grandpa that raised honey bees.  Imagine waking up to "crunchy" and realizing you have been there all along.  You just had blinders on.  THAT'S ME!

I was also raised by parents that instilled a strong faith and trust in God.  To me "crunchy" goes hand in hand with realizing that God is the creator of all things, He has a perfect plan, and He has given us all we need.  From food to health care and all things in between, God set in place a way for us. 

I am not asking for you to believe everything I believe.  I am simply offering you a view into my world.  Come, let us be "crunchy" together.  LOL!

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