There has to be a better way!

Why have I turned to DoTerra Essential Oils?  My son! 

Every year, since birth, my son has left the doctor with something like this... 

2013 was no different.  His daily Zyrtec was not helping.  He developed a horrible cough, an eye infection, and a sinus infection.  We went to our allergist, who we love, and came home with these.  Within a few days my sweet son was a rage monster.  He was slamming doors, punching walls, and screaming uncontrollably.  I used to be a mental heath case manager, I was so scared for my child.  The rage proved to be the result of one of these medications.  

2014 will be different!  It already is!  

This is this year's attack on seasonal allergies!  

I love the changes I am making in my family!

If this path is calling you, or you have questions.  Please let me know.  I am a DoTerra IPC.   I am happy to try and help.  I also have a team of people behind me, who are further down the path, that are open and helpful.  My web address is:

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