Whew! That month off was what I needed!

Recently I have been feeling emotionally overwhelmed by all of the world being in my hand all of the time.  I decided I needed a break from my phone, from social media, from blogging, from distractions.  I needed to put down the thing that was drawing more attention than my family.

I wrote this to a friend...
I am trying very hard to leave FB and Twitter to a real computer and not often.  I can't handle the fake and false representations of life anymore.  I let passing comments and perceived reality spin in my mind.  It causes too much stress and it is all just the best picture people can paint for a public view.  Too much time has been spent staring at a little screen in my hand.  My family deserves my attention.

It was wonderful!  I have now given myself new limits, new perspective, and lots of time.  Social media and blogging are for my real computer at my desk.  You have no idea how freeing this has been!

I found it very ironic, that on one of my first days "back" on Facebook, that this video was circulating...

YES!!!  LOOK UP AT LIFE!!!  It is so worth it!

I will be investing more time on myself, my family and my home.  My two, work from home, jobs will get the attention they deserve.  I will be blogging more and sharing my posts.  I hope you stay with me on this beautiful journey!


  1. Yes, Ma'am! I am one who shared the above video and never had a "smart phone" until 18 months ago. It can be all consuming. I will follow you blogs...saved it on favorites. Don't want to miss your voice....

    1. Thank you! This blog, along with all things, is a process. We shall see where it leads. I would love to see your work. Where can I follow you?

    2. I haven't started a blog....haven't even attempted one. I'll think about it.
