My Garden! It is changing too!

This is truly a year of new things!

We are reinventing our garden this year!

I wish I had pictures, that I could find, of my Daddy's gardens.  They were big!  And very bountiful!  It was almost as if the seeds knew that his skilled hand was placing them in the ground.  I don't remember a "failed" crop.  He even broke dry, crusty ground in Dumas, Texas and beautiful tomatoes bounded forth.  From him I learned plant and row spacing, seed depth, hills and mounds, and what perfectly tilled soil felt like under your feet.

I simply don't have the space that Daddy did to sprawl a garden across my city lot.  This year we are rethinking everything.  We are going to attempt square foot gardening.  I have purchased a few books.  I have convinced my Hubby to build them.  I am working on my plant selection and arrangement.  I am deciding what to germinate indoors.  I know how I am going to naturally fight pests. I am hoping for a wonderful idea that will keep the dogs out.

So what is stopping me?  I still live in Illinois!  Daddy's rule was not to plant anything in the ground until Mother's Day (May 11, 2014).  I may cheat that a bit and go with May 1st.

Trust me...I will keep you posted!

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