My Garden! It is changing too!

This is truly a year of new things!

We are reinventing our garden this year!

I wish I had pictures, that I could find, of my Daddy's gardens.  They were big!  And very bountiful!  It was almost as if the seeds knew that his skilled hand was placing them in the ground.  I don't remember a "failed" crop.  He even broke dry, crusty ground in Dumas, Texas and beautiful tomatoes bounded forth.  From him I learned plant and row spacing, seed depth, hills and mounds, and what perfectly tilled soil felt like under your feet.

I simply don't have the space that Daddy did to sprawl a garden across my city lot.  This year we are rethinking everything.  We are going to attempt square foot gardening.  I have purchased a few books.  I have convinced my Hubby to build them.  I am working on my plant selection and arrangement.  I am deciding what to germinate indoors.  I know how I am going to naturally fight pests. I am hoping for a wonderful idea that will keep the dogs out.

So what is stopping me?  I still live in Illinois!  Daddy's rule was not to plant anything in the ground until Mother's Day (May 11, 2014).  I may cheat that a bit and go with May 1st.

Trust me...I will keep you posted!

I am not tired! Wow! I am not tired!

The question was posed:  What are the supplements that you take/suggest for daily use (like LLV or DDR), and have you noticed a difference in your health after using them? 

My response:   I have had extreme exhaustion for a years. Being a mom of three, I always wrote it off to, well, being a mom of three. I was caffeine dependent to function. I decided to try llv and ddr. Almost two months in, I forget to drink more than one cup of coffee. I no longer need to take daily snoozes. Sometimes I forget to take it my lunch dose out and about with me, and I feel it! If I take it past 3 pm, I cannot sleep. All of this with a half dose!

After posting that answer, I began to think.  I have been exhausted since 2007!  At times, removed from my family and friends, exhausted.  Where the suggestion of one more thing would push me over the edge because I could not do it!  That kind of exhaustion is debilitating.  It consumes you!  

The realization that that is gone from your life is powerful!   When you can casually type it as fact and know that today is different!  Just WOW!  The change that was made was so simple as taking care of my body.  The addition of Life Long Vitality and DDR Prime supplements. A few months ago, I would have been the first to call "bullshit".  Not anymore!  That's why I post, share, and support doTERRA products.